Sunday 17 June 2012

What is the Value of Homework? Research and Reality

Hi all, There is plenty to read in this edition - I'm sure you will find some gems in the new blogposts.......
Arup Sinha

In one of my Institutions where I worked as a Maths Teacher is an International Cambridge School.
After I joined, initially I have started giving homework in Maths followed by the tradition in teaching Maths. But after a couple of weeks, the Principal of that Institution called me in her cabin and requested me not to give any homework to the students as the tradition of that International school is "We don't put burden in a child", so  my response was "Yes Boss" but my reaction was "But its necessary". So i continued with the school's tradition  "Say No to Homework" kind of classes. But as to be happened, in the Parent-Teachers meet, there were many parents who asked me the reason of not giving homework as they wanted their child to practice maths at home, I told them the same, 'tradition of the school' they gave an unsatisfactory look. So, there i came to realize that even the parents of this Burden-less School want homework.....
Surprisingly, after 6 months the principal of that Burden-less School called me in her cabin and gave me a timetable of giving homework requesting me to give homework, so as before my response was "Yes Boss" but this time my reaction was "Why not before?" So yes the time has changed, I felt that there are many who ""Say No to Homework" and many "Say Yes to Homework" as well.... and Teachers are caught in the middle.

What is the Value of Homework?
If parents were to trawl through the research in today's generation they’d find little or no evidence of a connection between homework and academic gains . However, supporters of homework claim that homework promotes:

  • good work habits,
  • a sense of responsibility,
  • a connection between school and home, and
  • an outlook that learning happens everywhere.

Homework for children in the school grades is viewed by some as doing more harm than good because:
  • it can the reduce number of positive interactions parents have with children , putting the parent in the role of enforcer or “homework cop” ,
  • rather than creating a positive link between home and school, homework can create a negative experience of learning,
  • it robs children of much needed unstructured time, free play  and family time, and
  • it contributes to problems associated with a sedentary lifestyle, leading to a decline in the time children spend playing sports.  

What is the Value of Homework in the High School Years?
Research may not demonstrate educational value of homework in the early years, but there is compelling evidence of academic benefits of homework during high school, particularly in the senior grades.

Click the Link Below:
Two hours' homework a night linked to better school results

Ban homework in schools to lessen burden

CBSE asks schools to cut homework
So I believe that homework is even essential in today's world, "NO MATTER IF IT IS THROUGH TECHNOLOGY", in fact the technology has brought more Interests in doing anything... Why Not Academics??

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Evidence that Children are Brilliant, Encouraging and Amazing

Arup Sinha
This video shows that given the opportunity, children are supportive, kind, empathetic and brilliant. It's inspiring to see this young boy with cerebral palsy complete a running race but even more inspiring and uplifting is the support he gets from his peers - watch this video, cry, be inspired to give more today................